Ynis Afallach Tuath


Avaloniana Path


The Wheel


Ynis Afallach Tuath





YAT is a no-profit, legally recognized cultural association created in 2005
with the aim of spreading
the knowledge of the history, the mythology, the literature and the culture
of the ancient Celts.

It is open to people of all religions and beliefs, although the two founder members
and most of the ordinary members follow a spiritual path of inner growth based on the
recognition of the divine feminine in all its forms, and particularly its manifestation
through the ancient lore of Avalon.

The association promotes various cultural activities, first of all through the personal studies
and researches of all members, who all give an active contribution. We write
essays which are then published on-line on our web-site and on local news papers.
Our activities are carried out mainly through our two mailing lists:

-Ynis Afallach Tuath, which is open to anyone and where studies on celtic history
and mythos and the Arthurian matter are carried out;

-Sentieri Di Avalon ( paths of Avalon), which is reserved for the members only and where
on-line courses on different matters are offered. Actually we have the following courses
on progress:

1- Avalonian Path, leaded by Isabella-Argante (member founder): the wheel of the year,
the goddesses of Avalon and the avalonian spiritual path are studied here,
with interactive meditations, personal researches and sharing of experiences.

2-interpretation and work with dreams, leaded byGrazia-Caillean (member founder)

3-meditation: basic techniques and advanced learning, leaded by Grazia-Caillean

4-healing with crystals, leaded by Arianrhod.

We support local good causes, and all the founds raised with the different activities
of the association are given to several groups which promote the defence of the environment
and animals. We are always pleased to collaborate with other groups sharing common interests.

Only people of age are admitted (otherwise a parental consense is required).
All admissions have to be approved by the founder members, on the basis
of serious crediantials and real commitment and interest in the aims of the association.

All activities are in Italian but many contents of the web site are being translated in English
and we are always very pleased to have contacts with people from all over the world.

The new legal seat of the association in under construction in the beautiful woods of Trentino
(northern Italy) and the next members meeting will take place there on May 2009.
The project includes the creation of a temple dedicated to the divine feminine and open to all religions.

For further informations or any question, or if you want to
know how to join our group please send an e-mail to the
following address:




© Ynis Afallach Tuath, 2008/2009
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